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“Working with PRC, you quickly learn that they sincerely listen to your career objectives, possess a keen knowledge of their representative client organizations, are highly trustworthy and above all place their client/candidate needs before their own. Without hesitation, I have and will continue to refer friends and colleagues to PRC Executive Search.”

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Our Network 

PRC's national network consists of sister firms and a broad representation of sales leaders across the country. This network consists of Professional Services sales leaders, Fortune 500, Entrepreneurial, High Technology and selected executive search firms who are committed to the same level of performance for their clients.

Why are a few thousand candidates better than a few million?

Delivering talent to our clients is not about the size of the database, rather the quality. We do not aspire to boast a database of millions of candidates. Each candidate that is ultimately retained in our database has been screened by our search team and meets minimum criteria for potential future selection. The strength of our firm is not in the numbers, but in quality delivered to our clients and candidates. This translates to effective engagement management for our clients and a high probability of delivering a match.

The strongest candidates are oftentimes those who are not actively seeking new employment. PRC seeks candidates that are often referred by trusted network members. We are not focused on internet searches and advertisements to reach the candidate community. PRC is proud to leverage relationships with sales leaders and sister firms across the country which represent top tier organizations.

Our Goal In Sourcing

Simply, PRC seeks to deliver candidates that are at the top of their field. Leveraging the relationship with our sister firms across the country and dedicated search specialists, PRC is able to deliver talent to our client organizations that match their candidate profile and company culture.

The Result

We deliver candidates with a proven track record and the ability to make an immediate impact to our client organizations.


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